Submitted by Penny Peck on Mon, 09/03/2020 - 00:00
On 2 March 2020, Alex Whitworth participated in a three-day workshop on the “Role of Drosophila in Biomedical Research”.
This workshop included seminars on the use and utility of Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) in various aspects of biomedical research, as well as hands-on training in practical aspects of keeping, manipulating and analysing flies. The workshop was hosted by the Bingham University, Nigeria in collaboration with the Drosophila Research and Training Centre.
The workshop brought together researchers from all areas of Nigeria, facilitating enhanced communications between researchers on an international stage. Activities included embryo staining, thorax dissecting and behavioural assays, and discussions and dissemination of advice to highly motivated Nigerian researchers wanting to use Drosophila for translational research. Attendees had a wide range of expertise from complete beginners to experienced Drosophilists, from Professors to early career researchers.
Alex also visited primary and secondary schools in the region (Kingdom Heritage Primary and Faith Academy), where students were both encouraged and excited to participate in hands-on scientific activities using Drosophila melanogaster.