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MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit


The Cambridge Festival is taking place online this year - from 26 March until 4 April.


We are sorry, but our "MBU Challenge" game is not yet ready to share.

We have two existing computer games to share on 4 April:

The Battle for the Mitochondrion!

The Mitochondrion: Heteroplasmy

There is a bug in Heteroplasmy, but it still works by following this workaround.  Once the tutorial has been completed, the game jumps to Level 10.  Just keep clicking on this page and it will then ask you to click to continue. Clicking will move you on to the scores table (Top Times).  Clicking on the green text on the bottom right of this screen will take you back to the level selection page, from where you can click on the “easy” button and the game will start again at Level 1.


Narrated movies

Our newly narrated movies are available on our Cambridge Festival 2021 YouTube playlist, with special thanks to Amanda Lopes for the narrations.

The playlist includes coverage about life at the MBU.

Additonal resources are also available on our Schools and Colleges webpage.

Please let us know what you think! Cambridge Festival 2021 MBU Feedback Form

Thank you very much.

MRC Cambridge

The map below shows MRC establishments in Cambridge. This is the interactive version - take a look and see what Cambridge Festival activities are available!

11 February 2021