Submitted by Penny Peck on Fri, 20/03/2020 - 00:00
The Keith Peters Building closed at 5.00 pm today (Friday, 20 March 2020) and MBU members are working from home until further notice.
During this time, MBU scientists and administrative staff can be contacted by email as follows:
- Programme Leaders and their group members: using the email links found under the "Research" tab at the top of this webpage.
- Administration, HR, Laboratory Management & Health and Safety, Director's Office, IT and Communications and Postgraduate Management: using the email links found on our "contact-us" page.
During these extraordinary times, we will all be adapting to different ways of working whilst accommodating our individual circumstances, so if you contact us and we do not respond straight away, please bear with us.
We wish you well and we look forward to better times ahead.