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MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit

Read more at: Permeability transition in mitochondria

Permeability transition in mitochondria

16 June 2019

Mitochondria generate the cellular fuel, adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, to sustain complex life. Production of ATP depends on the oxidation of energy rich compounds to produce a chemical potential difference for hydrogen ions (or proton motive force, pmf), across the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). Disruption of the...

Read more at: Tenured Professorship for Edmund Kunji

Tenured Professorship for Edmund Kunji

14 June 2019

The General Board of the Faculties of the University of Cambridge has recommended that, with effect from 1 October 2019, a Professorship be established for Dr Edmund Kunji (assigned to the Department of Clinical Neurosciences). Congratulations!

Read more at: David Sabatini MD PhD delivers the 7th Annual Sir John Walker Lecture

David Sabatini MD PhD delivers the 7th Annual Sir John Walker Lecture

3 June 2019

The 7th Annual Sir John Walker Lecture, ‘Regulation of Growth and Metabolism’, was delivered on Thursday, 30 May 2019, by David Sabatini , MD, PhD. Professor Sabatini is a member of the Whitehead Institute and Professor of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He studies the pathways that regulate...

Read more at: Mitochondria interact with the cell's nucleus in subtle ways previously unseen in humans

Mitochondria interact with the cell's nucleus in subtle ways previously unseen in humans

24 May 2019

Results of a collaborative research study involving MBU scientists, " Germline selection shapes human mitochondrial DNA diversity ", published in Science today suggest that changes in human mitochondrial DNA are shaped by our nuclear DNA. University of Cambridge press release

Read more at: University of Helsinki - Silver Medal for John Walker

University of Helsinki - Silver Medal for John Walker

13 May 2019

On 7 May 2019, Nobel Laureate Professor Sir John Walker FRS, FMedSci was presented with the University of Helsinki Silver Medal , the University's highest award, in recognition of his contributions to bioenergetics and structural biology and for advising the University's Institute of Biotechnology, as a member of its...

Read more at: Judy Hirst and Mike Murphy elected Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences

Judy Hirst and Mike Murphy elected Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences

7 May 2019

The Unit is delighted to announce that Judy Hirst and Mike Murphy have been elected Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences . Fellows are elected based on their outstanding contributions to advancing medical science, cutting edge research discoveries, and translating developments into benefits for patients and wider...

Read more at: A genetic toolset for the mitochondrial calcium uniporter

A genetic toolset for the mitochondrial calcium uniporter

30 April 2019

A study published today in Cell Reports led by Dr Alex Whitworth’s Mitochondrial Neurodegeneration group, in collaboration with scientists from the University of Padova , report the generation of a comprehensive toolkit for analysing the mitochondrial calcium uniporter in Drosophila . The uptake of calcium by mitochondria...

Read more at: The Keith Peters Building

The Keith Peters Building

10 April 2019

On Thursday, 4 April, Professor Sir Keith Peters unveiled a plaque in reception to mark the formal re-naming of the Wellcome Trust/MRC Building as The Keith Peters Building. We share this building with the Cambridge Institute of Medical Research (CIMR). Further information about the renaming event is available via CIMR's...

Read more at: Celebrating 10 years of the MRC MBU

Celebrating 10 years of the MRC MBU

1 April 2019

Today, 1 April 2019, marks the tenth anniversary of the MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit and the appointment of Professor Judy Hirst, FRS , as Interim Director. Following a Strategic Review in 2008, the MBU was launched in 2009 by Professor Leszek Borysiewicz, who was then the Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council...

Read more at: Biochemical society announces Judy Hirst as the Keilin Memorial Lecturer

Biochemical society announces Judy Hirst as the Keilin Memorial Lecturer

27 March 2019

The Biochemical Society has announced Professor Judy Hirst FRS as the next Keilin Memorial Lecturer . This award is given every two years to a scientist who has contributed to knowledge in a field related to the interests of David Keilin in bioenergetics, electron transfer and mitochondrial biology. Keilin was a...